The Payout summary provides a real-time overview of the funds you received after commission and fees are deducted. It provides you with a simplified view of your payout information that corresponds with your completed bookings.   
You can generate a report within a date range for payouts or stays. 

  1. Sign in to your account. If you have more than one listing, select the one you want to view. 
  2. Select Reservation manager, then select Financial reporting.  
  3. On the Payout summary tab, select the Start and End dates. 
  4. Select your choice from the Includes drop-down menu. 
  5. Select Download to get a CSV/XLS spreadsheet of the summary. The payout summary download includes all bookings that were used to calculate gross bookings, deductions, and payout amounts.
Mobile owner app
  1. Select Menu.
  2. Select Payments.
  3. Select the Start and End dates.
  4. Select Refresh.
  5. Select Download to get a CSV/XLS spreadsheet of the summary.