You can send a request for an additional payment for any extra charges like late checkout, parking permits, and other incidentals. You can add up to five additional payment requests per booking.

Requested additional payments are not automatically charged; the guest must pay the additional payment in order to receive the stay extension or incidentals you are charging extra for. Payment requests expire if the guest doesn’t pay after three days.

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Select the listing if you have multiple properties.
  3. Select Inbox.
  4. Select Filters to filter your conversations.
    • You can also enter the guest's name or reservation ID (Res ID) into the search bar.
  5. Select the guest's name.
  6. Select Add extra charge from Payment schedule.
  7. Select Fee name from the drop-down menu. Enter the full amount, due date, and a brief message.
  8. Select Review.
  9. Select Send additional charge.