Contact information is where we send inquiry and reservation request notifications. It is also the information that a guest sees after booking. 
How to update your contact information 

  1. Log in to your account. 
  2. If you have more than one property, select the property you wish to edit 
  3. Select the Property icon in the navigation menu
  4. Click Edit property 
  5. From the landing page, hit Contact information 
  6. Edit your information as needed 
  7. Select Save 

Note: If you have multiple properties, you can create separate contact profiles. This feature is only available if you have more than one listing. 
Add a Contact profile 

  1. Select Add New Contact in the Contact Selector section 
  2. Enter new contact information 
  3. Select Save 

Note: A contact profile can be created/edited, but not deleted. Once a contact profile is created, it becomes an available option for each property. 
Edit an existing Contact profile 

  1. Select the drop-down list under Contact Selector and select the profile you wish to edit 
  2. Edit as needed 
  3. Select Save 

Note: Edited information is updated on all listings.