Your listing status shows if your listing is currently Active, Paused, or Hidden. Active listings are visible and bookable by travelers, while Paused or Hidden listings are not visible or bookable. 

You can pause your listing if you want to take your property off the marketplace for a short time. For example, if you are going on vacation and won't be able to manage traveler inquiries and bookings.  

To pause your listing from your account: 

  1. If you have more than one listing, select the one you want to edit. 
  2. Select Property in the navigation menu. 
  3. Select Property details
  4. Select Pause next to Listing Status  
  5. Select the reason why you’re pausing your listing from the drop-down menu.
    • Note: Based on your choice, you might get a pop-up window that redirects you to resources that will help you keep your listing active. Choose the number of weeks you would like to pause your listing or select dates to specify a date range. 
  6. Select Continue
  7. Select Okay, pause my listing.
    • Note: You can also pause your listing using the Property Manager dashboard by selecting Disable from the Status drop-down menu for the appropriate property. 

Considerations for subscription customers 

For subscription customers, pausing your listing doesn’t provide an extension at the end of the paid term. If you selected when to make your listing visible, it would automatically become active on that date. You’ll receive a reminder email one day before your listing is visible again. If you weren’t prompted to select a timeframe, don't forget to reactivate your listing when you’re ready to start renting again.