Vrbo’s committed to protecting the privacy and security of our hosts and guests. Our policy allows reasonable monitoring of the outside of the property while still protecting privacy inside the home.

We consider a surveillance device to be anything that captures the following:
  • Photos
  • Audio recordings
  • Videos
  • Geolocation
  • Personally identifiable information
  • Monitors data on the internet

Inside the property

Surveillance devices, which use any form of capture device such as a camera or an audio recorder, can’t be used inside of a property.

Exceptions: Smart devices that may not be activated remotely are allowed as long as you have been informed of their presence and given the option to deactivate them.

Outside the property

Surveillance devices, including security cameras and smart doorbells (which may record audio), are permitted if they follow these rules:
  • Surveillance devices should only be used for security purposes.
  • Location and coverage of devices must be disclosed on the property description page for. It's not enough to include a photo of the device.
  • Outdoor cameras covering pools and hot tubs must be disclosed on the property details page and in a reasonably discoverable location such as a welcome binder, a notice on the wall of a high-traffic common space, or a placard next to the entry point itself. The disclosure must specify that the pool/hot tub is within the coverage area of the device.
  • Areas where you have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as the bathroom or bedroom, should not be under surveillance.
  • Reasonable measures should be taken to limit access to surveillance data.
  • Surveillance data should be deleted when no longer needed.

How to get help

Contact us immediately if you find a surveillance device that you believe violates our policy. This allows us to take the necessary steps to protect everyone's privacy and comfort.

Policy enforcement

If a host violates this surveillance policy, and you leave a property because of this violation, the host may be required to refund the entirety of the stay. Violations could also result in suspension from our platform.

While local rules and regulations may vary, we believe that physical and digital privacy is a critical component of a safe and trusted marketplace. Therefore, we'll enforce our policy even if local laws are less restrictive.

Noise monitoring devices

Hosts may have a noise monitoring device to address potential noise complaints from neighbors, but they must notify you in advance by disclosing the device on the listing's detail page.
  • A noise monitoring device should measure only the sound level, and not record private conversations.