Password requirements

  • Must contain numbers and letters
  • Can’t contain a series of numbers or letters such as 1234, 1111, like abcd or aaaa
  • Must be 7-32 characters
  • Can’t use a previous password
  • Can’t contain commonly used terms such as “password”, “dog”, or “Vrbo”
  • To receive a password reset email, the email address you provide must match your Vrbo account email address. If you don’t receive a password reset email, try entering a different email address
  • Check your junk/spam folder for the email if you've waited longer than 15 minutes to receive it

Change your password

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Select My account.
  3. Select Account settings from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the Security tab.
  5. Select Edit next to Password.
  6. Enter your current password.
  7. Enter your new password and confirm by entering a second time.
  8. Select Save password.

Reset your password

  1. Select Log in on the Vrbo homepage.
  2. Select Owner Login from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the e-mail address associated with your account.
  4. Select I forgot my password.
  5. Check your email account for an email from containing a password reset link. 
    • Note: The password reset link is valid for 24 hours. If it’s been over 24 hours since you received the email and you haven’t yet selected the link, follow the Reset your password guide to resend password reset email. It’s strongly recommended in this case to clear your cache and cookies before sending a second password reset email.
  6. Select the link provided in the email.
  7. Enter a new password and re-enter it to confirm. 
  8. Select Save password