To ensure a consistent, secure experience for you and the travelers booking your property, all bookings must occur through the Vrbo platform. Offline booking is not allowed. 


Offline booking happens during pre-booking communication: after a traveler finds a property listing on Vrbo, you intentionally tell the traveler (or the traveler intentionally asks) to book or pay through you directly instead of using Vrbo to avoid paying Vrbo compensation. 

Offline booking behaviors 

Vrbo does not allow offering, incentivizing, or directing travelers to accept bookings outside the Vrbo platform. These efforts to avoid paying Vrbo compensation are a marketplace violation and may result in penalties, including termination. If Vrbo determines an offline booking occurred, you may be required to pay compensation. 

The following behaviors are not allowed: 

  • Contacting potential travelers before booking to encourage, request, or incentivize them to book or pay outside of Vrbo. 
  • Asking travelers to communicate via platforms or services outside of Vrbo before accepting a booking (such as through email or text).  
    • Note: Post-booking communication is allowed until otherwise advised. 
  • Redirecting travelers off Vrbo through links or embedded buttons in communications. 
  • Cancelling an existing full or partial reservation to book outside of Vrbo. 
  • Changing or presenting the reservation, payment schedule, or pricing in bad faith to avoid mandatory Vrbo compensation. 


If a traveler needs to cancel and rebook, they should cancel the reservation from within Vrbo and rebook through Vrbo. Rebooking directly with you outside of Vrbo is an offline booking and will not be eligible for Vrbo protections and benefits for either you or the traveler.