If you’ve chosen 24-hour Review as your booking type, travelers can submit a booking request and you’ll have 24 hours to accept or decline. 

We ensure you stay informed by sending email notifications whenever you receive a booking request.

Once a traveler submits a booking request, a hold is placed on your calendar, and you won’t receive other requests for those dates. 
  • If you accept the booking, the request is moved to your reservation list and the status updates to Booked. The guest’s credit card is charged and they’ll receive an email notifying them that you’ve accepted their booking.
  • If you decide to decline, the hold is removed, and your calendar is open for other requests. 
  • If you don’t respond within 24 hours, the request is automatically declined. 
Guests are less likely to cancel their reservation and more likely to leave a positive review when you respond quickly to their inquiries. You can view all your open booking requests and response times your Inbox. 

To accept a booking request:
  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Select Inbox.
  3. Select Booking request.
  4. Select the booking request you want to accept. 
  5. Select Accept.
  6. Select Templates to select the template you wish to use. If required, select Attachments to add an attachment to your response.
  7. Review and modify your message to the guest as needed. Then select Accept booking