At any time, you can view all upcoming and past reservations in the Reviews page. After your guest checks out, you can review them on this page.
  • If you haven’t reviewed your guests within three days of each completed stay, you will receive an email containing a link to submit a guest review.
  • Reviews must meet our Content Guidelines. Reviews are automatically moderated by the system. Reviews are also disclosed to guests once they submit their own review about your property, or after 14 days.
  • You can only review guests from completed stays for which the 14-day window has not closed.
  • Reviews can’t be edited after they have been submitted.

Rate and Review a Guest

  1. Select Property
  2. Select Reviews.
  3. Locate the guest you want to review.
  4. Select Rate traveler in the Action tab, then select Rate traveler again. 
  5. Rate your guest by selecting a star rating for each category, including Overall experienceCleanlinessHouse rules, and Communication, among others.
  6. Select Save.