The welcome guide is a collection of essential stay and amenity details for your guests. You can create a unique welcome guide for each property to provide a great experience for your guests.  

Guests who have easy access to important information are more likely to have smooth check-in experiences and leave better property reviews.

The welcome guide includes:

  • Host or property manager contact information.
  • Directions to the property.
  • Parking instructions.
  • Access instructions.
  • Check-in and check-out instructions.
  • Amenity instructions - such as how to use Wi-Fi or laundry.

The welcome guide information is emailed to your guests in the language you wrote it in, three days before check-in. The details will no longer be available once they check out, or if they cancel the booking. Only guests with a confirmed booking will have access to information from your welcome guide.

Your guests can access the information through the Vrbo app and on the web, by selecting My trips and logging in to their account.

Reservation-specific access
Reservation-specific access instructions let you provide unique access instructions for each of your guests. You can set them up in your Inbox.

If you have created welcome guide access instructions and reservation-specific access instructions, only your reservation-specific access instructions will be shared with your guests. You can also choose to use only the welcome guide or the reservation-specific access module.