We offer a 14-day window to cancel your subscription after purchase. If you're within that window, you can cancel your subscription and switch to a pay-per-booking model. You can also cancel when your subscription renews.

  1. Log in to your owner account. 
  2. If you have more than one property, select the one you want to switch booking model for. 
  3. In the navigation menu, select Property.
  4. In the drop-down menu, select Property Details.
  5. In the ‘Listing plan’ section, select Review Plan.
  6. Select Switch to Pay-Per-Booking in the Plan row. 
  7. Choose Select plan from the pay-per-booking column. 

If your listing is on auto-renewal, be sure to select Turn Off Auto-Renew prior to your subscription's expiration.

Property Managers

You can switch listings from subscription to pay-per-booking in bulk in your Property Manager dashboard.

In some cases, the 'Review Plan' page will display 'Pay-Per-Booking' as the current plan while the 'My Properties' page still displays ‘Subscription’ or ‘Unassigned’. To correct this:

  1. Log in to your owner dashboard.  
  2. Select the User Profile icon Head and shoulders silhouette.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select My properties.
  4. Select the Checkbox next to the property you want to update. 
  5. Select the Convert to Pay-per-booking button above the property list.