Exporting payments report
  1. Log in to your account.  
  2. Select the listing if you have more than one property. 
  3. Select Reservation manager
  4. Select Payments

Note: For listings using OpenEdge (formerly known as PayPros) for payment processing, select the printer option and print. 

  1. Select your Check-in and Check-out dates. 
  2. Select Download report
  3. Select Open file in Downloads.  

If you have trouble finding the file to open in Excel, repeat steps one through five, then select Open with and choose your spreadsheet application. Once you’ve done this, select OK. The file will download and open immediately. 
If you experience slow performance when downloading the report, this could be due to the volume of data. In this case, it's recommended that you download the report in multiple batches by narrowing the date range.