In some regions, Vrbo support processes are different and are not available 24/7. If you find yourself unable to check in to a property in a region and time where support is closed, follow the steps below.
  1. If your stay is more than 24 hours away and you have not received your check-in details, please double check if the check-in details were shared via the Welcome Guide (in Booking Details for Japan, My Trips for all other regions), Vrbo Inbox, or your personal email inbox. Please check your spam folder as well. If you do not find the details, proceed to the next step.
  2. Please message or call the host following the steps in Contact a host after booking their property. If they are unresponsive and you are unable to check-in, or if your booking is cancelled on the day of check-in, continue to the next step.
  3. Please contact us by phone if possible. Select Contact Us at the bottom of the page. If it is outside the operation hours for the country you are currently in, proceed to the next step.
  4. As you were not able to reach our support lines, you may opt to self-relocate. You will need to pay upfront and a reimbursement may be provided should it fulfill our Book with Confidence (BWC) program. 
  • Please book accommodation within the Expedia Group sites (,, or Vrbo). If none is available, you may walk in to any available hotel and book directly. Please note that we do not reimburse a reservation made on a competitor site.  
  • The accommodation must be located within the general vicinity of the original property’s location. 
  • The nightly price cannot be higher than the original booking amount. If the nightly price is above the original booking amount, please proceed to complete the claim process for our consideration.
  • The number of guests and pets must match the original booking. Any additional guests or pets will not be covered. 
  • Reimbursement may not be fully covered, depending on the cost difference per our Book with Confidence (BWC) program’s terms and conditions. 
  1. You have six (6) months from the first day of the reservation to complete the claim process with the requested documentation below. Any claim submitted after this period will be denied. For Vrbo Japan, email the documentation by selecting Contact us, then Manage my booking, then Email to submit an email form. All other countries should call during regular business hours to submit their evidence.
  • Proof of denied entry (call logs/text messages showing attempts to contact host before check-in, on the day of check-in and after check-in or a photo of the outside of the property showing you were at the property). 
  • A copy of your government-issued photo ID. If you did not pay for the reservation, please provide a copy of the payer's current government issues photo ID, as well as your own. 
  • A copy of the itemized hotel receipt. 
  • A copy of your payment information (bank statement and proof of payment). 
  • Screenshot of the call history to prove that you have called the host on the check-in day, after check-in time.