Payment details provide an overview of the funds you can expect to receive from a booking. You can view this section in each booking. You can expand each section for a more detailed view.

Booking amount
This section shows what your guest will pay for the reservation, including price per night, fees you charge, and damage protection.

Partial refundAmount you authorized to be refunded to the guest.
Additional paymentPayment you manually added to the booking amount. This does not include the refundable damage deposit, Value-Added Tax (VAT), or additional Vrbo fees.
Canceled paymentDeducted from the booking amount when you cancel a payment.
Booking amountThe sum of rent and fees defined by your rates.
Refundable damage depositDamage deposit amount set by you. This is not included in your payout and is returned to the guest unless you claim damage.
Property Damage ProtectionInsurance product offered to travelers that is paid directly to CSA/Generali.
Lodging taxes we remit Taxes collected and remitted by Vrbo in required jurisdictions.
Lodging taxes you remit Taxes collected by you based on the percentage set in your Rules and Policies. You are responsible for remitting these taxes and any other taxes Vrbo is not collecting and remitting on your behalf.
Traveler service feeA fee paid by the guest directly to Vrbo when booking.
Total traveler paymentTotal amount paid by the guest to book your property.

Paid to Vrbo
This section shows commissions and payment processing fees that will be deducted from your total payout for the reservation.

Base commissionApplicable to listings on the pay-per-booking model. This does not apply to subscription listings.
Payment processing feesA processing fee applicable to all completed payments. This will show as TBD (to be determined) until the guest makes a payment. Payment processing fees are finalized by your payment processor once payments are completed

This section shows the amount paid to you for a reservation.

Estimated payoutEstimated amount paid to you. This amount excludes commissions but includes payment processing fees since the total amount is not known until the guest completes payments.
Total payoutTotal amount paid to you including the booking amount and taxes remitted by you. Excludes the refundable damage deposit, Property Damage Protection, lodging taxes we remit, the guest service fee, applicable commissions, and payment processing fees.