Guests can have payments and fees refunded for a variety of reasons; each refund type has its own rules and conditions.


Cancellation refunds

Guests can cancel their booking through their traveler account. They'll automatically receive a refund based on the cancellation policy you set up within the Rules & Policies section of your account. If you decide to refund more than your cancellation policy allows, you can process the refund in your Reservation Manager.


Service fee refunds

If the guest is within the window to receive a 100% refund window and you’ve refunded the full amount, we'll return the service fee.


Damage deposit refunds

We hold the refundable damage deposit for seven or 14 days after check-out, depending on the option you've selected for the property. If damage occurs during a stay, you have seven or 14 days to claim all or a portion of the refundable damage deposit. We'll automatically refund the amount due back to the guest after that time.


Pending eClaims and refunds

If you require both property damage protection and a refundable damage deposit, and there’s a pending eClaim with Generali, we’ll hold the refundable damage deposit until the eClaim is finalized.

You can check the status of your claim through the eClaims system. After a final decision is made on the eClaim, the refundable damage deposit drop-down menu will appear. You will then need to take action to either refund or withhold funds.


Travel and Damage Protection insurance refunds

If your listing requires guests to purchase damage protection, their premiums are refunded automatically after the cancellation.

If the guest purchased trip protection after booking the trip, they must contact their insurer directly to determine if they’re eligible for a refund.


Bookings charged in different currencies

If a booking was charged in a different currency, the payment and refund totals might vary based on currency exchange rates and bank-issued exchange fees.